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IV-DENIC -- the service providers getting together at one table

Despite the work of the DE-NIC commission, 1992 passed without a consense between DIGI and all of the service providers. In spring 1993, the DE-NIC funding was at a crisis again.

At this point in time, finally all three service providers (DFN, EUnet and XLINK) met for a joint approach to DE-NIC services. The funding for 1993 was secured according to the Hanover model (see section 1.3).

The service providers decided to form a consortium for securing the DE-NIC on a long term basis. The bylaws for this consortium were agreed upon in summer 1993.

In particular, they covered:

Cost sharing
In Internet service providers in the consortium commonly fund the DE-NIC services. The IV-DENIC sets up a budget for the DE-NIC and distributes the costs according to market share of the service providers.

The IV-DENIC approves the budget and the cost distribution for one year. If new service providers join the consortium, the distribution is adapted accordingly.

Openess of the consortium
In principle, the consortium is open for new service providers. Managing a monopolistic infrastructure in a world of competition can work only, if every party interested (e.g. every Internet service provider) can join.

For practical reasons, the consortium was closed for the first year. This served a a period of gathering experience with this new constellation.

Entering the consortium
A new service provider can join the consortium, if he formally declares his wish to join. The IV-DENIC decides unanimously on this request. If approved, the new member has to sign the bylaws and is obliged to pay his share of the costs. From that point, he is a full member of the IV-DENIC with all rights and duties.

Leaving the consortium
A member may leave the consortium if he formally cancels this agreement. He is obliged to pay his duties for the budget year, though.

The IV-DENIC meets regularly to discuss open questions, review reports of the DE-NIC and decide on name space organisation and naming policies.

Initially, the IV-DENIC voted one member, one vote. After one year, this was changed to voting rights according to the cost distribution.

In practice, almost every deciscion was taken unanimously.

The user organisation DIGI was integrated into the consortium, not as a service provider and thus not paying, but as a consulting member.

DIGI is fully integrated in the flow of information and the consultations, but has no votes if it comes to decisions. Its voice is taken seriously, though. So far, no decision has been taken against DIGI and almost every decision was approved of by DIGI.

Though, the know how and competence of the user organisation is made available to the DE-NIC funding body.

After 9 months, a new service provider (MAZ Internet Services) turned up and started to sell Internet services in Germany. Taking this service provider as an example, the IV-DENIC developed a model as how to integrate new service providers into the consortium:

Using this procedure, the IV-DENIC grew from initial 3 members (DFN, EUnet and NTG/XLINK) up to six (, DFN, ECRC, EUnet, MAZ and NTG/XLINK).

Because of this size, the need for a more formal structure of the IV-DENIC is being discussed, but without a final decision.

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Andreas Schachtner
Fri Apr 28 15:28:39 MET DST 1995