Last update at : Sun Apr 30 10:44:11 1995

Educational Projects using Networks in Chilean Elementary Schools

Educational Projects using Networks in Chilean Elementary Schools

April 28 1995

Ernesto Laval,
Laura Flores,


Chilean Ministry of Education is developing a pilot project that builds a school network since 1993. This project has more than 100 elementary schools connected in poor income areas were teachers and students receive professional support in order to help them use technology with educational purposes. This paper describes some of the educational projects developed during 2 years of experience in Chilean schools.


1 Introduction

2 Inter-school projects

3 Description of some collaborative projects

4 Evaluation and projections

Author Information

1 Introduction

Many people agree that there is a need for a change in the practical work at school in order to be able to teach and learn in a more effective and smoother way. This change has to be developed according to the needs of the participants and look toward facilitating the insertion into the social, labor or academic life.

Currently there are many "actors" in Chile that are carrying on significant efforts in the educational arena: Ministry of Education, local governments, universities and schools. They have assigned a great amount of time and resources in projects that try to facilitate the relation among teachers and students in a horizontal way. Teachers and students collaborate with each other in the personal development, solving subject related problems, and helping each other to adapt to this fast changing society. All these changes require from the Educational System answers that are very different from those that existed fifteen, thirty or forty years ago.

Chilean Ministry of Education and its program for increasing quality and equity of education (MECE) has considered extremely urgent to stimulate educational changes, opening new spaces for the insertion of computer and telecommunication technologies into the ordinary school room work. Following this direction the ministry has the Enlaces Project, which builds a communication network in chilean primary and secondary schools. The network is supported by a multidisciplinary teams that are in charge of training, technical and educational assistance.

Computers networks and educational projects are a direct factor that affect the teacher-student interaction and give them a new link with the knowledge world; they are invited to relate to each other in a different way and they are located in a equality position for accompanying each other in the process to learn how to "want to learn"

2 Inter-school projects

Educational projects mediated by computer networks in primary education has enriched the process in several schools from a pilot region in the south of Chile. These projects open a flow of attractive information and area suitable to modify the pedagogical and administrative relations and stimulate the school system, facilitating the innovation.

This kind of work was developed in a two stage process:

The first stage was to develop very simple, attractive and ludicrous projects, which were generated by the interdisciplinary team at the Educational Technology Center that gives support to the schools that are part of the Enlaces Project.

In the second stage, the schools were encouraged to generate their own projects.

Both stages have given very valuable information:

- From a pedagogical perspective it is observed a growth in teacher-student interaction. New values of collaboration and solidarity begin to arise, and the class room is vitalized since the learning process actively involves the learner.

-From the technology point of view, participants are familiarized with telecommunications, they have widened their view of the world, generated more involvement among them, the school and the knowledge and gradually assimilated the technology.

-In the curriculum, there is an important integration in contents from different subjects.

-It has been observed that this kind of work is very dependent on the singularities of each school.

3 Description of some collaborative projects

3.1 Projects generated by the support team

Guess the character. Is a project for students from seventh a eighth grades. The work consists in guessing a character (or person) that is proposed by other group, role that is exchanged. It requires to analyze information in newspapers and magazines, exchange personal opinions about the chosen character, and formulation of questions to be answered with "yes" or "no" answers. By the end of the project, students organize a folder that is included in the school library and simultaneously the information is used in the school bulletin board or expositions. All the curriculum subjects may be involved in this project.

The Wordarium. Is a project from third to eighth grade in the Spanish class. The work consists in the generation of an "Original Dictionary" that includes words that are currently used by the kids and that are not registered in the traditional dictionaries. The dictionary would also have examples with the use of these words.

Friends from the world. Pretends that students and teachers establish contact with kids from other countries through the electronic mail. Foreign kids help them with information for different classes (geography, Spanish, mathematics), and following they elaborate longer term international projects.

3.2. Projects generated by the schools

For the Chilean school network is a success that the schools by themselves have began to elaborate their own educational projects.

For knowing and telling Is an initiative from the school "Campos Deportivos" in the city of Temuco. It consists in publishing a not ended story and that groups from other schools have to finish.

Poetic dictionary. Is a joint initiative from the schools "Campos Deportivos" and "Augusto Winter" in Temuco. The students exchange electronic messages collecting poetic expressions with their meanings.

TV as part of my life. Initiative from the school "Augusto Winter" that pretends to orient about the use of the TV with a selective and critic attitude.

Games. Is an initiative from the schools "San Francisco" and "Manuel Recabarren" from Temuco, that consists in making a collection and exchange of traditional, current and new games.

The family all over the world. This project was originated in Spain and its objective is to talk about the family group and its habits. It pretends to facilitate the multicultural understanding, think and help to solve some of the problems that arise. The results will be edited in a book.

Both kind of projects - those proposed by the Enlaces team and by the schools themselves - area part of a chain of processes that tend to:

- Increase an enrich contact among schools and teachers.

- Enrich the collaborative activity from the students by exchanging information through the network.

4 Evaluation and projections

The interaction activity through the use of computer networks and the products obtained from the students participation are some of the most important results of this work.

Some projects like the Wordarium, evidence that further that the own satisfaction of the participants it has been a very useful material for Spanish teachers from primary and middle schools. Both the "Wordarium" and "Guessing the character" and their products of an "Original dictionary" and a "Characters Encyclopedia" tell the teacher the importance of the ordinary information in the knowledge building. It reevaluates the educational conversation related to the needs of the learner.

It is also important the learner to be the originator of its own learning process and that the product of his work to be useful to other students and teachers.

The feedback obtained in these projects generates self esteem and also these activities develop personal and group creativity that induces in the autonomy needed to generate other initiatives.

Collaborative projects is an aspect of the computer networks in education that help to generate more free interaction spaces that help to build the change needed by our educational system.

Author Information

Ernesto Laval, a Computer Engineer and master in Engineering Sciences that works in Enlaces project since 1991. He currently works as chief of the engineering team, designing the communication infrastructure and user interface software for the school network. Laura Flores is a primary school teacher that worked until 1994 in a school that is part of the Enlaces Project Network. Since then she is part of the project multidisciplinary team that gives assistance to the Chilean School Network. She is the head of the school training team.

Ernesto Laval

Chief Engineer
Project Enlaces
Casilla 380
Phone/Fax: (56) 45 - 250759

Laura Flores

Education Area
Project Enlaces
Casilla 380
Phone/Fax: (56) 45 - 250759

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