INET'96 Tutorial Information
Monday, 24 June 1996
Courses: 3 full day courses in parallel
Registration Fee: $150(early registration)/$170(late registration)

1. Publishing with the World Wide Web

Peter Deutsch, Bunyip Information Systems, Canada (

This course covers the selection and installation of the most popular World Wide Web servers and clients, discusses security issues involved with the Web, and provides detailed information about preparing data for publication in the Web.

Who should attend? Anyone who wishes to publish data in the World Wide Web.

What you will learn: Detailed instructions on selection and installation of WorldWideWeb clients and servers,techniques for analyzing resource requirements security considerations, and the preparation of text and multimedia information resources for publication in the Web.

Tutorial Instructor: Peter Deutsch is one of the architects of the archie information system and an active developer of Internet tools and services. He is President of Bunyip Information Systems Inc of Montreal, a company specializing in new Internet services and has been on the Internet since 1987, when he helped bring the first link into Eastern Canada. Mr. Deutsch holds an M.Sc. in Computer Science and a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science from McGill University and thinks that with the Internet he's finally found what he wants to do when he grows up...

2. Internet: Making the Business Case

Gordon Howell, Internet Business Services, Scotland

In their year-end reports, both Newsweek and the US News and World Report rated the Internet as one of the top 10 developments in 1994. The UK Economist suggested that the Internet will be an "indispensible tool" for businesses in the late 90s.

The Internet "gold rush" is on, but where are you likely to strike "pay dirt"? Is it really possible for conventional, non-technical businesses to take advantage of the new electronic media to enhance their business? What are the emerging business "conventions" in use on the Internet?

This tutorial looks at how conventional business processes can be enhanced by the Internet, and considers how to develop new lines of business specifically to exploit the medium. Examples in areas such as customer services, electronic publishing and direct marketing (shopping for users) will be presented.

Tutorial Instructor: Gordon Howell is a founding director of Internet Business Services Ltd, a business consultancy and training organisation based in Scotland. He has co-developed a series of seminars "Internet for Business" currently being run througout the UK and other locations in Europe .

He is a consultant to various private and public sector bodies, including the economic development agency in Scotland responsible for developing the "Information Superhighway". Is the founder of the Scottish Internet Business Club, and the Forum for Open Systems, and is a regular contributer to public press and other publications. He has been on the 'net since 1982.

3. Internet Security

Steve Crocker, CyberCash, USA

When companies join the internet, security is a major concern. To address the problem, there are emerging security technologies such as firewalls, proxy servers, PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mails) and a number of encryption schemes such as secure Mosaic/HTTP and secure payment protocols. These new technologies will be described in detail for business applications.

This tutorial is intended for everyone who needs to understand the security issues associated with a connection to the Internet and what technology is available to protect their resources.

Tutorial Instructor: Steve Crocker is a founder of CyberCash, Inc. and serves as senior vice president, Development, responsible for security architecture and the design and implementation of the CyberCash server systems.

He was previously a vice president at Trusted Information Systems, where he led the development effort for the reference version of Privacy Enahnced Mail and managed a variety of network security projects. In prior positions , he was a program manager in the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and a senior researcher at USC Information Information Services Institute. Dr. Crocker served as the area director for security in the Internet Engineering Task Force for four years and is now a member of the Internet Architecture Board. He has published numerous RFCs and papers in networking and computer security. Dr. Crocker holds a Ph.D in Computer Science from UCLA.

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