Preparing a Paper for INET'98

François FLUCKIGER (

Jean-Claude GUÉDON (
Université de Montréal, Canada

Third Author NAME (
Third Author Affiliation

This brief paper presents the details necessary to prepare a paper for INET'98. The paper includes guidelines on style, acceptable formats and constructs. It also provides suggestions on how to prepare the paper. As in previous years, the Proceedings of INET'98 will be published on CD-ROM and on the Internet.

Table of Contents

Key Submission Dates

13 February 1998

27 March 1998

10 April 1998

21-24 July 1998

INET'98 Theme

The Internet Summit

Paper Format

The paper is expected to be 8-10 pages in length, about 4000 words. It is due on 13 February, 1998. Every paper must be submitted in HTML, the Hyper-Text Markup Language widely used on the World Wide Web. This will support a common presentation on CD-ROM and on the Web. For this reason, we obviously prefer that your paper is submitted in HTML.

Producing HTML

There are a number of ways of producing HTML documents.
Word Processors
Many recent versions of popular word processors offer HTML as one of the export options. With such a word processor, prepare your paper in a style similar to this paper. When you are finished use the export function to create an HTML version.

We recommend that you view your paper with a web browser before submitting it. (Most browsers allow you to open a local file as well as a URL.) This will allow you to double-check the paper's appearance.

HTML Editors
There are a number of shareware and commercial HTML editors available. A long list of such editors is maintained by the W3Consortium[1].

Text Editors
Since HTML is an embedded markup language it can be prepared using a basic text editor. (This document was written in notepad.) If you use this approach and haven't written HTML before you may wish to consult the W3 Consortium's information on learning and using HTML[2]. A popular reference is Kevin Werbach's Bare Bones Guide to HTML[3].

If you do not have a program that outputs HTML and do not want to learn to write it yourself, another approach is a filter. Filters exist to convert many standard formats into HTML. Again the W3 consortium maintains a list of such filters[1].

Alternatives to HTML

If it is really not possible to produce HTML we will accept two alternatives:

Using This Paper as a Template

To use this paper as a template, find the Save or Save As command and select Source as the option. That will save this document as HTML. It can then be read by your word processor editor.

Post Acceptance Editing

The Internet Society will pass all accepted papers to professional editors for production of the proceedings. Thus, your paper may change slightly from submission to the final proceedings.

Writing the Paper - Acceptable Styles

This section is intended as a guideline to the use of the various HTML markup commands. It is intended to give papers a consistent style.

Basic Styles

Feel free to use both <B>bold</B> and <I>italics</I> for emphasis as needed. Similarly <EM>emphasis</EM>, <STRONG>strong emphasis</STRONG> and other text markup styles.


Sections, sub-sections and sub-sub-sections should use the <H2>,<H3> and <H4> levels of HTML headings, respectively.


to set off a passage of text like this.

Table of Contents

Every paper should contain a Table of Contents as shown in this example. The entries in the Table of Contents should be links to the top level sections, but not sub- or sub-sub-sections.


You may use any of the lists common to HTML. Examples of each of the numbered list (<OL>), unnumbered list (<UL>), and descriptive list (<DL>) are found in this paper.

Special Constructs

This section talks about various constructs you may wish to use in your paper.


The use of URLs presents possible problems with copyright restrictions. We have adopted the following policy with respect to the inclusion of URLs in INET'98 papers. URLs may be used in four ways in your paper.

  1. Links to another location within the paper as demonstrated in the Table of Contents.
  2. The MAILTO URL for the authors as shown at the start of the paper.
  3. Links to the author's own work.
  4. Within the references section properly attributed URLs may point to the work of others.

This implies that you must use a level of indirection to point to another's work from within your paper. At the point where the work is mentioned, you include a URL to an entry in the References section. The entry may then contain a URL to the work. See the examples included in this paper.

The Use of Tables

We would prefer that you did not use tables to achieve complex page layouts, however there are clearly times when tables are the appropriate way to present data. Here are a few things you always wanted to know about Switzerland as an example of an acceptable use of tables in an INET'98 paper.

Capital CityBerne
Population7 million
Surface area41,285 km²


All references to images should be to files in the same directory as your paper, e.g. the image in the table above was specified using<IMG SRC="fig1.gif">.

All images should be in GIF89a (without animation), or JPEG (JFIF).

Animations etc.

Remember that you are submitting a paper, not a web page. No animated gifs, blinking words, movies etc.. As stated above, you can include a URL reference to your own site which demonstrates these features if necessary.

Things Not To Use

Your finished paper should not require support for any of the following:

Animated graphics.
Plug ins, e.g. audio, video, etc.
Vendor-specific extensions.
If in doubt, keep it simple.

File Naming Conventions

Your paper should consist of a single HTML file, but may be supplemented by images in GIF or JPEG files. Thus your submission may well be several files. We ask that you use the following naming convention to facilitate web access and to allow for anyone who may still be using Windows 3.1:

How To Submit

All paper submissions should be sent by email to Please send a separate email message for each paper you are submitting. The Subject line of the email message should identify your paper with the 5-digit numeric id assigned to your paper. All file components of your paper should be submitted as attachments to your email message. You will receive a brief acknowledgment of your submission within 3 business days. If it is somehow not possible to submit your paper via email, send a query to to make other arrangements. Any other queries should be directed to


  1. World Wide Web Consortium, World Wide Web and HTML Tools,
  2. World Wide Web Consortium, HyperText Markup Language (HTML),
  3. Werbach, Kevin, The Bare Bones Guide to HTML,